
办公室 总统 加州州立大学,萨克拉门托


总统备忘录- 100天的聆听



A consistent theme we heard during the fall listening sessions was that we should create more opportunities for campus leaders to listen to members of the campus community. 为响应这一需求,我愿与大家分享 前进备忘录#9, which tasks each division vice president to incorporate regular feedback forums into their schedules beginning this semester.

下面是即将到来的公开论坛的日期和时间, 在那里你可以分享你的经验和反馈,或者向部门领导提问. Invitations for each of these sessions will be forthcoming from each division and will include time, 位置, 以及如何申请住宿的信息. You can click on the name of the division to learn more about the areas of responsibility for each.


2 p.m. 4月5日星期五(当面)
1:30 p.m. 4月11日星期四(虚拟)


11 a.m. 4月9日星期二


9 a.m. 10 a.m. 5月9日星期四


9 a.m. 4月18日星期四


9 a.m. 5月10日星期五


11 a.m. 5月10日星期五(虚拟)


星期五,9月. 20(时间在活动临近时分享)

大学的发展 在该部门的新副总裁上任后,会在秋季举行公开论坛吗.

These open forums provide an excellent opportunity for the campus community to engage directly with division leaders, 表达他们的担忧, 并为我们大学的持续发展做出贡献. 我们鼓励校园社区的所有成员参与并发出自己的声音.



经过92次超过1,我们校园社区的500名成员, 我很高兴与大家分享我的 百日聆听. 该报告包括对各届会议进行分析后得出的九个主题, 同时还提供了参与者所说的工作和需要改进的地方的信息. The report also includes the 23 action items that will be the focus of our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, 这是我 以前与校园共享.

我要感谢所有的教职员工他们自愿参与 策略活动工作小组. 在接下来的几周里, the executive sponsors of each of the action items will be reaching out to those who put their names forward to update you on the plans for the work groups.

就像我在a 上个月的消息, 听取会议提出的几项建议在本质上是可操作的 are being communicated to appropriate campus leaders via presidential Moving Forward memos. 我很高兴与大家分享《澳门博彩公司》5-8号备忘录.

前瞻备忘录编号. 5 指示大学通讯部添加一个 “研究”和“奖学金”标签到我们的主页 (进入页面右上角的下拉菜单). 您现在可以更轻松地导航到 研究、创新、 & 经济发展 去了解教师们所做的杰出工作,以及 奖学金办公室 了解更多有关机构及社区奖学金的资料.

前瞻备忘录编号. 6 directed 包容的卓越 to grant Employee Resource Group status to the Chinese and Chinese American faculty and staff who requested this recognition.

前瞻备忘录编号. 7 指示教务处与教师分享有关校园住宿政策的信息, 实践, 和协议. This critical information will help faculty to be better equipped to support the needs of all of our students. 教务处会在本周发出这个消息.

前瞻备忘录编号. 8 指导包容性卓越最终确定其偏见事件报告和跟进的协议. 他们将在本周向校园发送消息,重点介绍该系统的更新和增强 偏见事件报告工具 和流程.

感谢许多人分享他们的经历, concerns and ideas that helped to shape the 百日聆听 Report and the Moving Forward memos. 我们将共同努力,继续使萨克拉门托州变得更好.


在我的秋季听力课上, I learned that traditional Commencement ceremonies can be overwhelming for students with sensory processing sensitivities. 而不是庆祝的场合, 这些学生感受到了噪音, 人群, 在毕业典礼上的其他刺激是压倒性的, 不舒服, 而且压力很大. To provide a comfortable environment for students to be recognized for their academic achievements, 我很高兴与大家分享《澳门博彩公司》#4, which directs the Disability Access Center (DAC) to host a sensory sensitive graduation event this spring.

The DAC will be reaching out to eligible students with a personal invitation to participate in our first Sensory Sensitive Graduation Celebration, 从下午2-4点开始.m.5月8日,星期三,在油井 Terrace套房. This celebration will provide an intimate setting and sensory accommodations that will allow students to fully focus on their accomplishments. It will also be an opportunity to recognize select faculty members who have a demonstrated record of supporting DAC initiatives. 请致电谘询委员会 dac@92fqs.com 浏览更多有关感敏毕业典礼的资料.

通过举办这个感官友好的活动, 我们希望所有的学生都能有一个愉快的毕业经历, 包括那些感觉敏感的人. Students who participate in the Sensory Sensitive Graduation Celebration are still welcome to participate in their college 毕业典礼在金色中心举行,并可通过澳门博彩官网提出住宿要求 dac@92fqs.com 5月10日前.

前进备忘录#3:2024-25 RESG申请

We are excited to invite faculty to participate in the 研究 Enhanced Support Grant (RESG) program for AY 2024-25. 这项拨款是教师获得基本种子资金的一个机会, providing crucial support for launching preliminary and exploratory projects that will empower them to contribute new knowledge and innovative 奖学金 to their respective disciplines, 以及为学生提供转型的教育体验. This program is funded by the President’s Office and administered by 学术事务 with support from the 研究、创新、 及经济发展. 该竞赛将支持2024-25学年的校园奖学金活动. 申请截止时间是下午5点.m. 3月15日.

在听讲环节,我们了解到教师需要更多的时间来计划发布时间. Moving Forward Memo #3 directed 学术事务 and ORIED to open the grant applications for the upcoming fall or spring semesters to allow faculty and department chairs time to prepare for course coverage as necessary.

所有教员都有资格申请, 包括全职, 兼职, 临时, 试用, 图书馆员, 还有终身教职, 如第三单元集体谈判协议中所定义的. 涉及多个萨克拉门托州立大学教师的个人和合作项目符合条件. 你可以找到澳门博彩官网指南和详细信息 2024-25年度研究支持补助金申请.

考虑到R2的分类, we are committed to advancing new and equity-minded faculty research and 奖学金 at our institution, which is proudly both a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) and an Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI). 这项资助计划不仅支持个人的研究目标, 但也有助于我们更广泛的使命,培养学术卓越和学生的成功. 我们鼓励所有符合条件的教师考虑参加这个项目. We look forward to engaging with the important research and 奖学金 that will emerge from this program and witnessing the impact it will have on our students' educational experiences.

如果您有任何疑问或需要更多信息,请与ORIED联系 research@92fqs.com.

感谢您对知识进步的奉献, 奖学金, 创造力, 以及萨克拉门托州立大学学生的成功.





在伍德总统的春季演讲中, 他正式宣布并发起了“促进Sac国家工作人员”倡议. 这一举措旨在创造一种持续学习的文化, 增长, 发展, 有意义的包容, 以及在萨克州立大学的晋升途径.

我们每个人都在推动这一倡议的目标中发挥着关键作用. 作为这项倡议的联合执行领导人, we expect that all managers (MPPs) will provide maximum flexibility and encourage staff members to participate in the multiple opportunities available for their professional 增长 and 有意义的包容 in the Promote 囊状态 Staff Initiative. 这包括但不限于员工资源小组(ERGs)的工作, 参与校园策略计划专责委员会, 工作组, 和工作组, 以及反种族主义和包容性校园计划活动.

因为我们为促进Sac州工作人员倡议的成功奠定了坚实的基础, we will be establishing a workgroup of staff and MPPs to help us co-construct additional components of the Promote 囊状态 Staff Initiative. 请注意未来的消息和下一步.


Dr. 米娅Settles-Tidwell





上周,资讯资源及科技部(IRT) 分享了一条关于新校园拨出号码的消息. 发生这种变化的原因是我在聆听会议上分享的信息, and I am pleased that IRT was able to quickly act to change the dial-out number to seven so that our University Police Department will receive fewer accidental 911 calls.

比如拨出号码的变化, 听取会议提出的几项建议在本质上是可操作的, 像这样, 没有被列为 上个月我和校园分享的战略活动. 而不是, we have created a list of operational actions that will be communicated to appropriate campus leaders via presidential memos, 我们称之为“倾听”, “前进”的备忘录. These operational action memos direct leaders to implement simple administrative changes that will help to eliminate redundancies, 简化流程, 减少工作量. 我们期待着在整个春季学期继续发送这些备忘录. 根据这些备忘录所做的更改将传达给校园的相应区域.

前进备忘录#1 指示IRT更改拨出号码. Thank you to all the staff and administrators in IRT for this quick and efficient work and for providing clear communication to campus about the change.

Thank you to those who attended listening sessions to highlight the various operational actions we need to take to make our campus more effective and efficient. 我们期待在未来几周和几个月内做出许多改进.