
部门 公共政策 & 政府 社会科学学院 & 跨学科研究




This is general advising information for students in the Master of 公共政策 and 政府 and Master of Science in Urban Land Development graduate programs. Visit their respective pages for essential advising information specific to each concentration.



的 following table illustrates the recommended PPA course sequencing for MPPA graduate students. It is to be used as reference and is not a substitute for academic advising with a faculty member.

Please note that scheduling anomalies, such as summer classes, are not reflected here. Other scheduling permutations worked out with an advisor or the chair are acceptable.

With the exception of PPA 500, all of our core courses are offered once a year. (见 全校课表) Students must speak to a faculty advisor about internships.

状态 秋季学期 春季学期
第一年 (1) PPA 200 PPA简介
(2) PPA 220A Economics 的政策 1
(1) PPA 210政治环境. 的政策
(2) PPA 220B Economics 的政策 2
第二年 (1) PPA 205研究方法
(2) PPA 240A公共管理
(1) PPA 240B公共管理
(1) PPA 207量化. Analysis or PPA 270 Collaborative Policy or Elective of Choice
三年级 (1) PPA 230公共预算
(2) PPA 272 Urban Policy Collaboration or Elective of Choice
(1) PPA 500 Culminating Project
(2) PPA 207定量. Analysis or Elective of Choice
第一年 (1) PPA 200 PPA简介
(2) PPA 220A Economics 的政策*
(3) PPA 205 研究 Methods**
(1) PPA 210政治环境. 的政策
(2) PPA 220B Economics 的政策*
(3) PPA 207定量. Analysis** or PPA 270 Collaborative Policy or Elective of Choice
第二年 (1) PPA 230公共预算**
(1) PPA 240A公共管理1*
(3) PPA 272 Urban Policy Collaboration or Elective of Choice
(1) PPA 240B公共管理2*
(2) PPA 500 Culminating Project
(3) PPA 207定量. Analysis or Elective of Choice
注: Part time applies to students enrolling in 6 or fewer units a semester. * Courses that must be sequenced. ** Courses with strongly recommended sequencing. PPA 230 should be taken towards end of program. PPA 270 and PPA 272 (sequenced electives).


All work toward a master's degree, including transferred credits, 课程, 和论文, must be completed within seven years. This time limit is required of all master's candidates in the 加州州立大学 (other institutions of higher education across the country have similar deadlines).

研究生办公室 916-278-6470 determines the official seven-year deadline for each student as that student advances to candidacy.

Occasionally an extraordinary situation will arise whereby a student will want to challenge the time limit. 的 burden to establish currency of an expired course (a course completed more than seven years ago) falls to the student. 在这种情况下 货币申请 form would be used to request a one semester extension beyond the limit.

Title 5 of the 加州 Administrative Code of Regulations is where you can find the relevant language.

Assistance with Culminating Project Preparation


写作中心 is a good option for students needing help with writing. 的y provide peer tutoring Monday through Friday to graduate and undergraduate students from all disciplines. On-line tutoring is also available. 的y do not edit papers for you, but can teach you how to editor your own papers.


Hiring an editor to check your grammar, style, 和格式 can be very helpful for some students. 你可联络 部门 for information about editors MPPA and MSULD students have used recently. Also, check with your fellow students about editors they have used. 口碑很有价值!

It is important when hiring an editor to be sure you both have clear and reasonable expectations about the service they will provide and the cost of that service. Remember that an editor cannot help you with content or research; that is the role of your instructors. 的 role of the editor is to help you identify and correct problems with grammar, style, 和格式. Some (not all) might for an additional fee help you with printing, 提交, and other logistical concerns.





Visit the 研究生办公室 for comprehensive information about navigating the University's application process.

查阅 研究生办公室 forms page for a comprehensive list of graduate student forms.

Future Students - 研究生办公室


学生服务中心 forms page has a comprehensive list of University forms related to records, FERPA, and financial aid.